might(力气,力量)right Might is right.拳头大的是爷。 rock 摇动 roll滚动 rock and roll music 摇滚乐
womb子宫/tomb from womb to tomb 从生到死
soul soup chicken soul soup心灵鸡汤
wear磨损 swear 发誓 wearable swear千金一诺
martial commercial as commercial field as martial field 商场如战场
butcher屠夫bachelor学士 butcher slap bachelor in the face范进中举(嗯?哦,典故)
waste/wash lavish/lave waste washlike and lavish lavelike 花钱如流水
shape shatter it was Xiaohe who had shaped Hanxin and shattered him 成也萧何,败也萧何
haphazard hap hazard hap and hazard is often haphazard 人生无常
widow window There are many scandals laid before a widow's window 寡妇门前是非多
frank直率的 坦白的 flank侧面 frank反义:旁敲侧击的 Beat about the bush, 直译 side knock and flank beat
rascallion scallion what kind of scallion u are,rascallion said 你算哪根葱?流氓说
丈夫 dwarf 男子汉大dwarf (“ 丈夫”形容高大dwarf正相反)
fart fart娘的屁 ! wow ! 弄不好这句会流行 vogue!
tolerate toil tolerate toil 吃苦耐劳
repent and resent repent and resent 悔恨
the Creator造物主 crater 火山口 the great Creator creat crater 造化钟神秀 征下联--阴阳割昏晓之chinglish
dynamic dynasty the People is dynamic to change dynasty 人民创造历史
canno准则教规 cannon canno exists within cannon range 真理在大炮射程之内
bran糠,麸皮 brain bran is healthy to brain 粗粮健脑
brawn强壮的肌肉 brain barbarianize his brawn, civilize his brain 野蛮其体魄,文明其精神
cloy 甜的发腻的 boy cloy boy 奶油小生
elapse 流逝 lapse过失 time elapse,lapse elide 得过且过
perch栖息 birch 桦树 smart bird perch on birch良禽择木而栖
sincere/since a man has been sincere since he was born 人之初,性本善